
Distribute & Pip

You can install phantompy with pip (see C/C++ library installation notes):

pip install phantompy

Get the Code

Also, you can download the latest version from github and install it manually:

git clone
cd phantompy
python install

Additional notes

C/C++ Library Notes

The core part of phantompy is a c/c++ library that uses qt5 for access to WebKit engine (with Qt5WebKit).

Before use of python library/wrapper for libphantompy, you need install system-wide this c/c++ library.

For compile it, you need:

  • Gcc >= 4.8 or clang++ >= 3.2 (simply not tested with previous versions)
  • Qt5 (Core, Network, WebKit, Widgets)
  • CMake >= 2.8.4

Compile and install instructions:

cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


  • This library has limited tested environtments. If you can compile in other environments would be helpful if you notified me of it.
  • This library does not works properly on OSX, any help is welcome.

Ubuntu instalation notes

I have not been able to install all modules needed by phantompy on ubuntu. Ubuntu sucks. If you get compile, notify me so I can fill this gap with useful information.

Python Compatibility

This python bindings library is build with python3 in mind and has some layer of compatibility with python2.